Authored by Emilylowes

You can create certain structures in your stronghold

Workshops are used to craft new items to use in the Lost Ark Gold endgame. HP potions, battle items, tools, and cosmetic items for your stronghold are all crafted from here. To unlock more recipes for your workshop, research workshop upgrades using your lab. Just about all trade skill materials are used in this menu.


Once you unlock a ship, you'll be able to allocate crew members to complete certain missions. These missions offer currencies for your stronghold, upgrade materials, and even rewards granted from Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids (explained in the Additional Stronghold Features section).


You can create certain structures in your stronghold that grant a passive effect. This menu is used to allocate which passives you want active at any given moment. For example, platinum founders received a train cosmetic that grants passive crafting bonuses for your stronghold.

Training Camp

Unlocked upon reaching level 52, the training camp allows you to passively increase the level of your characters. You can only level your characters up to two levels behind your highest level character Lost Ark Gold for sale. For example, if you have a level 60 character, you can only level your alts to level 58 through this system. Leveling characters through the training camp takes multiple days or even weeks to accomplish, depending on the character's current level and your max level. You can still use characters that are actively training, so this is a free XP farm.

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