Authored by Emilylowes

This is just an general arcane change

What this basically means is you're going to stack it until it's four WoTLK Gold. A broad level. It means you're gonna stack it up before using Arcane Blast and you're gonna employ Arcane Missiles to remove the debuff, and you're going to keep stacking it and I'll obviously cover the specifics of this in the section about rotation.

This is just an general arcane change that is pivotal to how the spec works. Okay, now let's look at we'll look at some of the changes made to the talent tree. I'm not going through every single talent but I'll try and cover the important ones, those that are ones you need to know about. You'll be able to recognize them.

Arcane stability has been reduced to buy WoTLK Gold reduce the pushback for as well Arcane Missiles and Arcane Blast. Arcane focus will now increase the hit that you can get from you Arcane spells by 33%.

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