Which is the highest level item
You can also get the hateful pieces from the vault of Arvon raid WoTLK Gold, which is located situated in Wintergrasp and I'll discuss that during the interview. The Hateful gear is also the first PvP off pieces that can be bought. These items can only be purchased using honor points. I don't have any requirements for rating that can be bought from the PvP vendors as well as Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
There's an PvP off piece in every slot, as well as them add more pieces in wrath to ensure that you will get any stats that your character will require. Since they are the only pieces which require honor points to buy, it's a very good idea to spend your honor points first since you will be able to purchase the other pieces in a variety of other ways to get them.
Moving on to the next set of the year, which is the highest level item of 213 and also the most effective PvP gear available for phase one of the season five Rathalos chain. We have the deadly gladiators gear buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold. It's crucial to note that this is the sole stage of gear, and the only one, which has weapons for PvP which are available to purchase.
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